Warm and cozy – how knitting and sewing work together

warm and cozy - headbands and scarves 3
The warmest shawls.

Warm and cozy – how knitting and sewing work together


Stephanie of Barbarack Apparel and I met at a local girlgang meeting a couple of months ago when the weather was still spring-like. The idea to collaborate on a photo shoot was quickly born but it just wasn’t the right time of year for warm and cozy accessories. So we waited and waited until we finally met up to take the photos. And then I had to wait some more until Stephanie edited the photos but here it is, finally, the result of our warm and cozy photo shoot.

It was so satisfying to bundle our models up in her luxurious wool shawls and match them with a funky Rockabilly Headband or Head Scarf. Then we switched things around and put those fantastic toques with their huge funky pompoms on the lovely ladies. Mmmmhhh, seriously warm and cozy. And how well they go with my Triangle Scarves!

If it comes to style

, everybody has their own opinions of course but I believe that if you put something on your head, you have to balance it with something lighter around your neck. And vice versa. So, if you’re wearing a huge amazing knitted toque, wear a lighter scarf. Or if you’re cuddling up in a super chunky shawl + really want to add something on your head – because it is really cold – just wear a light headband instead of a hat. It will definitely keep your ears warm but make you look stylish at the same time.

As you probably all can guess, I am all for funky, bold and colourful outfits. I still think it is important to even out the colours. That’s why I adore the designs of Stephanie, they’re eclectic yet neutral so that I can wear them perfectly with my vintage fabric designs which often feature colourful floral patterns or cute polka dots. A match made in handmade heaven.

Honestly, with these beautiful options, I am almost looking forward to winter.

Well, at least I will stay stylish, warm and cozy. If you want to enjoy winter in accessories just as comfy, you can find Stephanie on Instagram @barbarackapparel and in person at the Market Collective + me on Instagram as @mapleandoak, shop my online shop here or find me at markets in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer and Saskatoon this fall. (Here’s the list.)

With love from the Maple And Oak Diaries,

? Leonie?

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