Artsy embroidery project


I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about when I mention those semi-abandoned craft projects that I’ve got hiding in my studio. All those: “Oh, wouldn’t this be fun?! Let me just quickly start while I’ve got a minute. Ahhh, it’s taking longer than I expected. Oh well, I’ll just finish you tomorrow.” And then you re-discover that poor dusty thing 1.5 years later. One of them was an artsy embroidery project for me.

Yup, I finally managed to finish one of them! When I made vintage fabric patches a while ago, I thought it would look so neat in an embroidery. Ironed it on, left Calgary, went travelling, moved to Quebec City and only found it when I sorted through my studio last week before the big move into our house this weekend.

Step one: Iron on the fabric patch.

So I took a day to finish my idea. Finally! It really is just this playful little thing but I think it looks rather cute. Do you like it? Anyways, here’s what I did after the patch was ironed on:

Satin stitch to cover the edge of the patch.

First of all, I looked up a couple of embroidery stitches and tips because it has been a while since I worked on my embroidered scarf collab! on this helpful site: Hobby Help Have you used it before? It’s super helpful, informative and pretty to look at!

Then I started covering the fabric heart with a satin stitch in a beautiful red. All my embroidery supplies comes from thrift stores, so I never quite know what thread colours I have to work with but I like the spontaneity of it all.

Add a couple of French knots and it looks really pretty already!

I just loved how the satin stitch turned out. And as I’m all about yellow at the moment, I added a bunch of French knots in a delicious summery yellow!

Playing with fabric colour.

Another of those forgotten goodies that I found in my studio was this instant fabric spray colour. In gold! Yummy! So I cut myself some simple circle-shaped stencils from cardboard and started spraying. Unfortunately, on my first try, I held the spray bottle a little bit too close and it left an ugly stain around the circle. What to do?!?

More embroidery.

Well, I decided to cover it with more of my favourite satin stitch, added a couple of other colours and backstitches and tadaaa! I made a little piece of art that just might find its place on the wall in my new studio. What are your abandoned projects? Have you ever finished something years after you started it? How did it make you feel?

Finished. Finally.

Love from Leonie

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