Beau ties – how to style a bow tie casually.


Beau ties – how to style a bow tie casually.

Maple And Oak for him

I’ve been making pre-tied bow ties for a couple of months now but I’ve never been happy with just calling them that. What could I name this funky Maple And Oak accessory? Then it finally came to me. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to: the Beau Tie!

They’re pre-tied bow ties for your beau. Beau ties. Or if you like to rock them yourself, they make you and your babes total beau-ties! Ok, that might go a bit to far here…but what the heck, I like it!

Now, when you think of bow ties you probably think about fancy weddings, overdressed professors or even funerals. Bow ties have a reputation to be classy, dapper and spiffy. Maybe like this:

Beau tie, Maple And Oak Designs

Or this:

Bow tie, classy

Which is really cool and I love that elegant style! It’s just not a look that most guys would want to rock on a daily basis.

So have you (or your beau) ever thought about styling them casually? I recently talked to a friend about my beau ties and she’s absolutely in love with them but couldn’t get her fiancé to order one because he doesn’t dress that classy on a normal week day and didn’t think he could pull it off.

But let me tell you, you can absolutely have a casual style and incorporate a bow tie into your everyday look. My beau ties are usually pretty funky and go well with light checkered or striped shirts.

Casual shirt, jeans and beau tie.
Casual shirt, jeans and beau tie.

This is my husband Guillaume wearing a pair of old jeans, a leather belt with a big buckle (there has to be some Rock’n’Roll somewhere!), sneakers, a shirt with rolled up sleeves and a white beau tie with a baby blue floral print. Looks pretty comfy to me!

Here are a few more shots, so you get the idea.

I really like to see a guy wearing a casually styled beau tie. It’s pretty cute and makes them look handsome, at least in my eyes. What’s your opinion on bow ties? If you now think: “Yeah, great, I love your beau ties but I’m a woman. What’s with all the photos of men here?”. Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered – I’ll show you how to dress a beau tie on a lady next Monday!

With love from the Maple And Oak Diaries,

❤ Leonie❤

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