How to make funky floral fabric art!


How to make funky floral fabric art!

Maple And Oak Art

All summer long I have been making infinity scarves with the funkiest floral fabrics. You guys loved them so much, most of them sold before I was able to list them in my Etsy shop. ❤ Thank you for that ❤
I just love me some good funky flowery fabric. Some of them are just too cute, so I saved a few pieces for today’s project: art with funky floral fabrics!

  • What do you need?
  • A canvas, acrylic paint, fabric glue, paint brushes, scissors and of course some funky floral fabric.

    You will need...

    Here we go:

  • 1. Get your paint out, decide on the colour you would like for your background and get mixing! I chose red and white to mix a lovely salmon pink.
  • 2. Paint the canvas with a big brush. Make sure that it’s nice and even and not too much paint (yet).
  • 3. While you leave the canvas to dry for a while, take your sharp fabric scissors and cut out those adorable fabric flowers.
  • 4. Then you can do different things. You might want to leave your canvas as it is and already start sticking on the flowers but I decided to add some more funk to my canvas. I took a painting knife and added some white and then some red to the canvas. All I did was wiping the knife back and forth to create an almost three dimensional effect.
  • 5. Finally time for the glue. If you’re like me and always end up making a big mess, you should definitely put something on your table to protect it from the glue. I didn’t worry about that because my working table looks rough already and some paint and glue will just give it more character.
  • 6. Some fabric strips to glue around the edges of the canvas make my painting look like it’s framed with flowers!
  • 7. I thought about where I would like to see the flowers, so the painting wouldn’t look unbalanced. With a small paint brush I applied the glue to the fabric. Again – nice and even.
  • 8. So far, so good! Still – I wanted the flowers to stand out more. What to do, what to do?  Maybe some white paint around the flowers will help? Ahhh, yes!
  • Since this was so much fun, I made another one! Quite a bit different but funky non-the-less. Which one is your favourite?

    Flowers everywhere!

    If you don’t have the time (don’t say you don’t have the talent, I know you do!) to make your own funky floral fabric art, these two are for sale. Just send me an email and we can figure out the details! Talking of details – have a look at a few close up shots of the paintings:

    I hope you liked my little project and it inspired you to make some funky floral fabric art of your own. I’m always excited to see your results!
    I did and will be doing some travelling in the next couple of weeks, so expect a lot of “handmade travel guides” in the near future. I will start this Thursday and there will be another one each Thursday for at least 4 – 6 weeks! Woohooo!

    With love from the Maple And Oak Diaries,

    ❤ Leonie❤

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