The Maple And Oak Diaries


Welcome, welcome to The Maple And Oak Diaries!

For the love of red.

Even though the design and layout of this page is not where I want it to be, I decided to bite the bullet and publish my first blog post in my Maple And Oak Diaries. So here it comes, woohooo!

My name is Leonie and before I jump into serious blogging business, I thought it would be nice if I introduce myself in this first of all posts. I am the owner, designer and maker behind Maple And Oak Designs, hold an M.A. in History and English and I love to write. I am fascinated by the ocean and have been since I was a little kid. I don’t remember what exactly happened to my plan to become the captain of a big cruise ship but somehow it didn’t happen. Huh, I must have forgotten. Maybe it was my love for funky and colourful accessories (well, you may call it an addiction, a healthy one non-the-less!) that lead me astray. And this is exactly what part of this post and some of the future post will be about: the accessories I obsess about!


Red handmade accessories
Leather cuff by Fehu Leather, recycled vinyl earrings by Les Creations d’ana and cloche hat by Sparky Jones Accessories.

I especially love the work of fellow artisans and I will use this blog to introduce you to fantastic artisans and their fabulous creations that I encounter at local markets or in the big wide world of the internet.

Currently I absolutely love my leather wrist cuff by Fehu Leather in fire engine red. I keep on running into Freya, the girl behind the leather, at art and craft shows here in Alberta and I absolutely adore her leather work. I own a couple of her belts and other cuffs but the deep red of this one somehow keeps me entranced.

There’s hardly any day on which you won’t see me wearing a pair of earring by Les Creations D’ana. Anne-Louise is my sister-in-law and recycles vinyl records to make the most darling earrings. She has been living the life of an independent entrepreneur for quite some time now and is always an inspiration for me.

I cut my hair very short last year and I loved it. But I missed my hair being long, so I’m letting it grow at the moment. Honestly, sometimes it really doesn’t look pretty. That’s why I needed a hat badly! Luckily I met Jemima and her Sparky Jones Accessories (each of them is a unique character with its own name, how adorable is that?) at a spring show in Edmonton this April and found my “Mae Jones” hat made from recycled fabrics. Just perfect.

Sparky Jones hats
Hiking with my “Mae Jones” hat.

The Maple And Oak Diaries will cover a variety of subjects. Here’s a short list about the topics I will definitely cover at some point or another:

  • Travels – I love to travel and will let you be part of my travels all around the world and in Canada.
  • Fashion – be sure I won’t talk about how “Sparkles are the new black” but rather about fascinating titbits of contemporary and historic fashions.
  • Accessories – as I said before, I’m addicted.
  • Tutorials – I like to help. And tutorials can be really helpful. About what? We’ll see.
  • Maple And Oak Designs – if there are great news, I will just have to let you all know or my head and heart will explode!

With love from the Maple And Oak Diaries,

❤ Leonie❤

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