The new Maple And Oak Designs Headquarters


The new Maple And Oak Designs Headquarters


So, we’ve got big Maple And Oak Designs news! Today I moved into my new studio. I’m so happy. Yes, I loved working from home but as we’re living in an apartment and have no plans of moving into a bigger condo or even buying a house in the next few years, it started to feel a bit cramped. Maple And Oak Designs started to take over not only the corner from where I work in the living room but the whole apartment. You can’t imagine (or can you? Let me hear your story!) how happy I am to get my living room back; to not have to look at my work every night when I’m actually trying to relax; to be able to leave projects on the tables; to not have to tidy up every evening; to not vacuum every couple of days because those fabric lints melting into the carpet. I mean, it’s awesome working in your Pj’s the whole day but I’m glad that I have to dress now every morning and actually leave the house to go work and to be honest, there’s always the office work which I’ll keep on doing from home – in my Pj’s!


I believe that it will help me to focus better when I’m designing or sewing. It will make people take my job more serious. And most importantly, I will be able to enjoy my time off at home more when I don’t have to see my work right there. In front of me.

I started looking for a studio on quite a tight budget and couldn’t wrap my head around the generosity of my friend Carla. She usually uses the mezzanine area, from which I’ll be working, as a photography studio because the lighting is fantastic but as she currently doesn’t use it that much, she offered to share it with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Carla!

But enough talk, let me give you the tour!

How do you like it? I can’t wait to get on my sewing machine and start working from my new studio!

With love from the Maple And Oak Diaries,

❤ Leonie❤

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