Canadian Made Only – Let me introduce you to: Studio Intent


Canadian Made Only – Let me introduce you to: Studio Intent


Canadian made. Independently owned. Support local. These catch phrases seem to be everywhere recently. While most companies just use these words to catch customers, Studio Intent actually promotes this kind of life-style. Founded by Chantal Barchard in 2011, Studio Intent carries only lines by independent Canadian designers and artists.

As their space is located right in downtown Calgary (basically on Steven Ave but the address is: Lower level 805– 1st St SW), lots of their clothes are aimed at the “downtown-business-woman-crowd”. Now you might think “OMG, isn’t that boring?”. Let me tell you, it’s not! Chantal always managed to choose pieces that are classy but a little bit different. I absolutely love We3, Jennifer Glasgow and Annie 50. That is also why they are a perfect match for a Maple And Oak accessory – wouldn’t you want to top off a classy but different outfit with a fun, unique and handmade accessory?

Studio Intent
Emma wearing a Maple And Oak Hood Scarf, Polar Blouse by Jennifer Glasgow and belt by Brave Leather.

Last week I met up with Emma, Studio Intent’s social media manager and Photographer Darryl Pollock for a little photo shoot and interview (Read it here!) in preparation for this week’s Pop-Up Shop. Today I set up my display with a big selection of Maple And Oak goodies literally in the middle of the boutique. You can’t miss it – if you come and visit between today and Saturday June 13th. I will be in the store during the lunch hours until Friday to tell you about my designs and the stories behind each fabric I used.

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Loving our Maple And Oak Designs Triangle Scarves.

Even if you can’t make it this week, I highly recommend this gem of a boutique. Whenever you’re in Calgary, don’t go home without at least peaking in Studio Intent. You’ll be amazed by the quality of Canadian design.

With love from the Maple And Oak Diaries,

❤ Leonie❤

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