Let me introduce to you: The Head Scarf


Let me introduce to you: The Head Scarf


My friends in Europe and Vancouver are posting photos of gorgeous cherry blossoms and magnolia trees. I’m so jealous! Here in Calgary it’s still cold, bitterly cold, the “Our parking lot is an ice-rink and I fell on my butt on my way to the car yesterday!”-kind of cold. I know, in only a couple of weeks the weather here will have caught up and spring will finally arrive here as well. But until then, let me introduce you to one of my Spring/Summer 2015 designs: The Head Scarf

I love how versatile this little number is! My favourite look is with the bow in the front (I will post a tutorial similar to the “How to tie a rockabilly headband”– tutorial soon!) followed by the elegant skinny scarf style. And how sixties does it look when you just tie it effortlessly in the back? Whenever I wear my head scarf, I feel so glamorous, totally Hollywood!

Because I was inspired by all those movie stars from decades ago when I designed this head wrap kind of scarf, I decided to use only 100% vintage fabrics. The fabrics I chose are all almost see through or look exactly the same on both sides of the fabric. You can imagine how hard it was to find that kind of vintage fabric, so that’s why each of the Head Scarves is a limited edition. But don’t fret – I’m always on the look out for more fantastic fabrics to turn into The Head Scarf.

Right now you can get three different ones in my Etsy online shop. Have a look here!

Just when I started writing this post, I realized there are so many more ways to wear this scarf! Of course too late to take more photos, so I’m asking you: Can you show me how you like wear it?

With love from the Maple And Oak Diaries,

❤ Leonie❤

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