
All those creative ladies

Oh boy! Remember last April, when I was super excited about my travel plans + all the amazing people I was going to meet + all the fantastic projects I would work on + tell you all...
How to mix vintage patterns and modern fabrics Make vintage patterns modern again - here's how to create this cheerfully unique rockabilly look: For quite some time now, I've been a huge fan of Tula Pink's modern fabric designs. They're so...
Canadian Made Only - Let me introduce you to: Studio Intent Canadian made. Independently owned. Support local. These catch phrases seem to be everywhere recently. While most companies just...
Today is Fashion Revolution Day. When I first heard about the Fashion Revolution, I thought: Wow! That sounds cool. But what is it? And why do we need it? Fashion Revolution is a non-profit organization that started after 1133 people...
Returning the love - An Etsy treasury. On Etsy you can find lots of treasures but also treasuries. What do they mean by treasury, you ask? In Etsy's own words, it is "an ever-changing, member-curated shopping gallery". So basically a...
Collaboration Time! Mumble Tease - Maple And Oak Designs Fools alike.I love collaborating with other artists. It's so much fun what you come up with when you put two creative minds together. You know how they say: "Great minds think...

New Skills: Felting 101

New Skills: Felting 101 One item on my bucket list is felting and I finally had a chance to cross it off my list. Yesterday, I went to a felting workshop organized by the amazing Pam, who not only drives...
I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about when I mention those semi-abandoned craft projects that I've got hiding in my studio. All those: "Oh, wouldn't this be fun?! Let me just quickly start while I've...
A handmade shopping guide: Christmas 2014 – Cards Craziness Chika Ando Illustrations - Xmas card.I love cards. Be it illustrations, paintings, prints or a crafty collage. And for we do need a whole bunch of holiday cards, don't we? So...
Welcome, welcome to The Maple And Oak Diaries! Even though the design and layout of this page is not where I want it to be, I decided to bite the bullet and publish my first blog post in my Maple...